I wouldn't call it a comeback, but a couple is bringing back a Ground Round restaurant in Shrewsbury, Massachusetts.

The Ground Round was a restaurant chain founded in Massachusetts in 1969. At its peak in the late 1980s, it had 215 restaurants. However, similar and more modern restaurants like Applebee's, Chili's, and Olive Garden started to stake their claims, making it hard for The Ground Round to compete.

Up until 2004 there were three Ground Rounds in Maine. One in Saco at the former Cinemagic, one in Bangor on Odlin Road, and one in Hallowell that was near the Camden National Bank Ice Vault and Spare Time Recreation.

Google Maps
Google Maps

All three Ground Rounds are now gone, with the most recent to shut down being the Bangor location in early 2024. The Hallowell location has been leased to a new restaurant.

Ground Round's owner filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in 2004 and today, only four Ground Rounds remain in the Midwest. Ground Round Independent Owners Cooperative, was formed by franchise owners and based in Freeport, Maine. The company bought the franchise out of bankruptcy.

But wait...there's more!

Joseph and Nachi Shea have acquired the rights to the Ground Round name, will keep the existing locations in the Midwest as franchise licensees, and will open a brand new Ground Round in January 2025 in Shrewsbury, Massachusetts.

Okay, it's not Maine, but Massachusetts isn't that far away. I know lots of people who have driven to Saugus just to go to the Sonic drive-in. When this new location opens I'm going to have to go check it out.

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