We're number one!

Fireball is fast becoming the Moxie of alcoholic beverages. With a Cinnamon flavored "whiskey" taste, it is hugely polarizing, with some gulping it down with glee, or others preferring to drink the winter anti-freeze in their vehicles.

Fireball is the top-selling whiskey in the 207, and according to USA Today, Maine consumes more Fireball per capita than any other state.

The first question is why? Here are a few reasons:

1. Cold winters: Maine's harsh winters create a demand for warming, spicy drinks.
2. Local connection: Fireball is distributed by Maine-based companies, fostering loyalty.
3. Affordability: Fireball is relatively inexpensive compared to other whiskies.

I have to admit, I have enjoyed many a Fireball shot or nip. That grosses some of my friends out, while others join right in with me.

The funny comedy duo known as "Welcome To Maine" came up with a nickname for all the discarded Fireball nip bottles that unfortunately get tossed all over the streets and roads here in Maine. It's "Biddeford Sand Dollars" For the record, I submit "Bangor Bottle Caps."

Pretty funny right? Some of their fans came up with a few of their own.

Jim Dooling
How bout dirty Lew dollars

Lisa Charrier
We have Corinna sand dollars. Lol.

L.j. Johnston
I used to partake a bit when I had my walk behind snow blower. Figured it worked a bit like Prestone for the ol' blood flow. If you toss the empty in front of you, the auger really chucks'em into the neighbor's yard.

Ian Gordon
When I see those little yellow labels and red caps pop up as the snow melts in the spring, I like to call them Dexter Dandelions

Mark Fahlbeck
York Yeets has ah nice ring

Craig Jones
I find them all the time on the sidewalks in Brewer going to Bangor many people just throwing them on car windows or just throwing them on the ground. When the country concerts hit Bangor maine in the summer
people just toss them to the ground just in one week I picked up about 8 bucks worth of nips.

I'd be willing to bet that you have a nickname of your own for it, so let us know!

Fireball has become so popular in Maine in the last few years, so A Youtuber named "The Mighty Plantain" once conducted his own personal taste test between Fireball, and that classic treat, Allen's Coffee

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Gallery Credit: Arlen Jameson

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