Those who grew up in rural Maine know that, in those parts, 'yard-saling' is a part of life.

We all had at least one relative who would drag us out of bed way too early on a Saturday in order to go bargain hunting at the area's yard sales.  Why did we have to hit the road so early?  Because, if we didn't, we might miss out on the best deals.

Like it or not, this was a fact.

As the old saying goes, "The early bird gets the worm".

Or, in this case, the early bird gets that vintage 1980s Budweiser Clydesdales clock.  At $5 it was a real bargain!

It seems like every town or city has dozens of garage and yard sales each weekend.  Have you ever stopped to wonder how of these sales take place in Maine each year?  We have!  That's why we did some digging to determine the answer.


How Many Yard & Garage Sales Happen in Maine Each Year?

Recently, an infographic showing the percentage of people in each state who host yard & garage sales was posted on the website.

The post shows that just over 1% of Mainers host at least one yard or garage sale each year.  That means that about 14,500 Mainers host a sale each year.

So, how many sales are held each year?

This is where we are going to start playing the estimation game.  Assuming that about half of those who host sales have at least two sales each year, the state has about 22,000 sales per year.

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Knowing that many people are addicted to collecting things and selling them at yard sales, garage sales, and flea markets to turn a profit, we are pretty confident in saying that our estimation is a little on the low side.

Tom Hermans, Unsplash
Tom Hermans, Unsplash

What State Hosts the Most Yard Sales?

According to the infographic, Oregon was at the top of the list.  About 3% of the state's population hosted a yard sale in the last year.

Idaho came in 2nd place and Alaska came in 3rd place.

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash
Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

What State Has the Fewest Yard Sales Each Year?

Wyoming came in at the bottom of the list.  About 1/4 of a percent of Wyoming residents host a sale each year.

What was the best find you ever made at a yard sale?  Tell us about it by sending a message in our app.

Here Are 25 of the Best Bakeries in Maine

There is nothing better then stepping into a bakery and the scents of what they are creating hits you like a ton of yummy bricks. Here are the Best 25 Bakeries in Maine, according to you!

Gallery Credit: Lizzy Snyder

The Most Valuable Crops in Maine - Two Will Shock You

I didn't even know these were crops!

Gallery Credit: Lizzy Snyder

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