‘Bully’ Father-in-Law Tells Pregnant Woman He Doesn’t Care About Baby Since It Won’t Have His Last Name
A pregnant woman on Reddit says her father-in-law is upset because her baby won't have his last name.
"When I announced my pregnancy on social media [three] weeks ago, my father-in-law was upset that the baby would be taking my last name. He commented that his last name sounded 'much better.' My brother and a couple friends responded to him. They told him he was being weird and he insisted it wasn’t weird to expect his grandchild to have HIS last name," she wrote.
"My brother called him stupid (not saying I agree with this but it happened) and it snowballed from there," the expectant mom continued on Reddit, adding that when she didn't defend her father-in-law, her mother-in-law called to complain about her.
READ MORE: Woman Refuses to Give Baby Husband’s Last Name, Doesn’t Want Child to Be ‘Butt’ of Jokes
"She said they’re tired of dealing with me, they refuse to keep eating my 's--t sandwich' and they will not walk on eggshells. She was upset that her husband got attacked in my comments. I ended up taking the phone and told her it was not my responsibility to moderate a feud that he initiated and publicized on MY announcement post. Basically we argued for an hour. She insisted I was in the wrong, I should’ve stuck up for him and I had no reason to be so upset and I am too sensitive," she detailed.
The woman eventually called her father-in-law to try to diffuse the situation, but he refused to relent.
"He told me he doesn’t give a f--k about me or the baby anymore as it won’t have his last name. I really don’t see the issue in me not defending him. I think he has been a bully his whole life and wants to whine now that someone stuck up to him (I don’t necessarily agree with my brother insulting him but I also don’t see how it’s my fault that he did)," she explained.
"I refuse to apologize for not intervening and they have cut contact completely until I do," the woman concluded her post.
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Users in the comments section blasted her father-in-law for her behavior.
"Oh good lord. This is why boomers need to stay off social media. [Father-in-law] is a big [redacted] baby," one person wrote.
"You're not required to defend anyone, and I mean ANYONE, when they take flak on social media. If he wanted to end it he could have simply posted 'I'm not talking about this anymore' and then ignored anyone commenting on his. Or better yet delete the post.," another chimed in.
"It isn’t your job to defend your father-in-law from a position he put himself in, especially since that position came from criticizing a choice you made. If he could not stand the heat of the responses his comment got, then he should not have made it in the first place. Let me translate something: being tired of dealing with you and walking on eggshells actually means that they are upset that they can’t control you, are upset that you stand up for yourself, and they are going to accelerate their bullying until you submit. Don’t give in!" someone else advised.