It’s Maine Maple Sunday This Weekend!
It's a sure sign of Spring when Maine Maple Sunday comes around! It's always the 4th Sunday in March every year and it's when all (or most) of the sugar houses in Maine open their doors to the public to enjoy the flavors of this yummy and healthy treat!
Did you know that it takes 40 gallons of sap to make one gallon of syprup?!? According to MaineMapleProducers.com
Pure Maine maple syrup has been brightening the flavor of fine, downeast food since long before the colonists arrived. Now, hundreds of years later, the quality is excellent, the degree of sweetness is fixed by law, and the uniquely delicious taste still varies as it always has. Sometimes the syrup is dark and rich, sometimes pale gold and delicate. It all depends on the soil and terrain, the wind and the weather, just like wine.
Maine Maple Sunday is a great family outing. Just be prepared for your kids sugar crash! Here on the button below for a full list of participating sugar houses and much more about maple syrup!
Do you have a favorite sugar shack? What is your favorite thing to put maple on syrup on? Answer in the comments below on our Facebook post.