Here’s How To Have Santa Give Your Child(ren) A Personalized Message
It's been a standing tradition during the morning show on HOM that Santa travels from the North Pole and pops up in our One City Center studios to talk to some kids in the weeks leading up to his big night/day.
Unfortunately, because of the state of the world right now, there's no way could Santa come in. First off, I'd NEVER want to be responsible for putting Santa in harm's way. And secondly, I don't think my self esteem could handle being the dude that ruined Christmas, ya know?
BUT -- we STILL have a direct line to the Big Guy, and he still wants to stay in touch with kiddos during the most wonderful and magical time of year. So, with help from White Mountain Oil & Propane, he's decided to send personalized messages that I'll play during the morning show.
So, how do you get one? Simple! Download our FREE app and send me a message, or inbox us on Facebook!
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