Here Are the Top 10 Maine Weekend Events: August 19-20
Get out there and have some fun!
Hey it’s AJ! Ya know, the thing I love about living and working in Portland is that there’s never a dull moment in this city. There’s always a ton of fun and interesting things to do… The only problem is, figuring out WHICH thing to do!
We’ve put together a list of fun things to do in the area this weekend. There’s really something for everyone. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and enjoy Portland!!
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Thinkstock 2Head To Freeport For Some Discount Shopping!
Looking to do some shopping? Then Freeport is your place!
- (Photo Credit: Amolson7/Thinkstock)
(Photo Credit: Amolson7/Thinkstock) 3Portland Headlight at Fort Williams For A Picnic and a World Class View
What better place to have a weekend picnic with a great view. What are you waiting for?
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Thinkstock 6The All Night Strut
A musical celebration of the 1930s and 40s. This will take you back to a different time in America.
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Thinkstock 8Shakespeare's Garden Of Verse
To go or not to go? That is the question. The answer is definitely go!
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