Help A Great Local Charity By Attending The Strive Auction
Here's an idea for a fun night out, while helping a great local charitable organization!
STRIVE, or Socialization, Transition, Reflection, Innovation, Vocation, Education, serves tweens, teens and young adults with intellectual & emotional disabilities in the Portland area.
The STRIVE program of PSL Services is designed to address the many issues faced by tweens, teens, and young adults (ages 11-24) with developmental disabilities. Areas that they focus on include: improving fundamental academic skills, developing leadership potential, improving economic opportunities through continuing education, enhancing or upgrading work skills, integrating literary and social skills into occupational/vocational opportunities, fostering career opportunities through education and training, and promoting peer support for parents and siblings of this young population.
Adventure Awaits ● STRIVE's 13th Annual Auction
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