Harvest on the Harbor Is Approaching, So Get Your Stretchy Pants Ready
We’re just thinking ahead, and trying to be honest with ourselves here. Harvest on the Harbor means great food in the best restaurant city in the U.S. (according to Bon Appetit, but we knew that already, right?).
For nearly a full week we get to celebrate this great melting pot state of ours with the kick-off event Different Roads, indulge in a multi-course lobster luncheon at the Maine Lobster Chef of the Year competition, raise a glass of Maine-crafted spirits at Maine’s best happy hour, On The Rocks, have a Bloody Mary Pig Roast brunch at Hair of the Dog, slurp oysters at the Maine Oysterfest, and sip, snack and shop our way through Sunday at the Market on the Harbor.
We think this means we need stretchy pants. But we’re ready to take one for the team.
Harvest On The Harbor is happening in Portland October 16 through the 21. For more details, check out harvestontheharbor.com.
I know I'm ready to dive in and try it all!