GMA News Journalist Visits Maine, Calls Westbrook’s Ice Disk 8th Wonder Of The World
T.J. Holmes from "Good Morning America" traveled to Maine to report on the "frozen phenomenon" in Westbrook. In the video below, which aired on GMA this morning, he called the giant spinning ice disk the "8th wonder of the world." Meanwhile, the theme from the TV series "The X-Files" was playing in the background. Holmes referred to the ice as a "perfectly formed 100-yard-across circle of ice" in the middle of the Presumpscot River with "hypnotic powers." He urged viewers not to stare at their television screens too long. Holmes said the chunk of ice is the most exciting thing to ever happen in Westbrook, and he is probably right.
Holmes also interviewed Westbrook Mayor Mike Sanphy to ask him if he was going to use the ice phenomenon as a tool to draw tourists to the town. Sanphy replied positively, saying he is "very proud to have it and it's a unique" tourist attraction.
Holmes then turned things over to ABC News' Ginger Zee to explain the science behind the ice disk: