Dad’s Lobster Fest Plans Declawed by Tooth Fairy [PICS]
I am not a seafood guy but still did plan on attending my first ever Maine Lobster Festival in Rockland this past weekend. Unfortunately my 5 year old MacKenzie had other plans and decided to lose her first baby tooth. It was a tramatic 24 or so hours for her (poor thing) but the sucker finally fell out late Sunday afternoon. She was so upset about it just hangin' there by a thread that we could not go anywhere. The Tooth Fairy did swing by my house last night and MacKenzie woke up with $5 under her pillow this morning! So, my in-laws still made the trek up Route 1 on Sunday, enjoyed the sights, the sounds, the smells and the food and snapped some great pics from the day that I wanted to share with you. I'll try this all again next year. Did u attend? Feel free to share your pics with us.