Check Out This Live Feed Of Seals (And Bald Eagles) From Seal Island In Maine
Every year, hundreds of grey seals come ashore on Seal Island, which is about 21 miles south of Rockland, and you can watch what's going on live on a webcam (and get some awesome looks at bald eagles as well!)
According to Explore.org, which operates the webcam:
Seal Island National Wildlife Refuge is a 65-acre sanctuary managed in collaboration with the Audubon Seabird Restoration Program (Project Puffin), which operates a summer field station here. The program has successfully restored Maine’s largest colonies of Atlantic Puffins and Common and Arctic Terns. From May through August, the seabirds can be viewed on live cameras operated by explore.org.
It's very peaceful to watch--enjoy nature no matter where you are! Check out the live stream here: