Isn't it fun to dream about being able to afford a multi-million dollar home? Sometimes I like to browse real estate listings, to see some of the most expensive listings on the market. This one really grabbed my attention - 1 Rock Island in Meredith, New Hampshire. According to, it's a private island on Lake Winnipesaukee, and it's price tag will blow you away - $14,594,000! Oh, here's a fun fact about the price. According to the website, it was lowered earlier this month, from $14,595,000. So they dropped it $1,000. Looks like they're really pricing it to move! According to the description on the listing, the house was recently rebuilt from top to bottom, with the best craftsmen and best materials. It features five bedrooms, and six bathrooms. Here's a feature that I think is pretty cool - a helicopter landing pad! There are several photos included in the listing, but not really any of the house. Most of the photos showcase the views from the property. I guess you'd probably have to request a showing if you want to get a good look at the place. So if you've always wanted your own private island, and a monthly mortgage payment of about $57,000 is within your budget, you might want to take a look at the listing here.

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