If you had a chance to take a walk through the Windsor Fair Museum, you may have noticed a strange iron and wood object at the entrance.

Apparently, fair officials are not really sure what the object is, so they are asking for the public's help in identifying it.

During my visit to the museum, I spent about ten minutes looking it over and taking pictures.  Now, even though I love history, I am far from being a history expert.  But, to me, it looks like part of some kind of pump.

Take a look.  If you have any idea what it is, you can contact the Windsor Fair by calling them at 207.549.7911

Since I was a kid, the highlight of my summers has been visiting Maine's fairs.  The Northern Maine Fair, the Houlton Agricultural Fair (I was lucky enough to live just down the street from that one), the Fryeburg Fair, the Bangor State Fair and, of course, the Windsor Fair.

I really love everything about the fair - the rides, the food, the people watching, and the historical displays.

This is especially true at the Windsor Fair.  There are several buildings of historical displays on the north end of the fairgrounds.  They have a house from the 1800s (I think?), a one room schoolhouse that was used from the 1860s through the 1970s, they have a century old tractor, there's a blacksmith shop, a Civil War era encampment, and a museum loaded with displays and artifacts  It is definitely worth taking a walk through.

You can get more details about the Windsor Fair by checking out their website.

10 Maine Museums

Do you love learning new things? Why not visit one of Maine's incredible museums? Here are 9 very unique museums that are probably less than a two hour drive from where you are now. Please Note: Some of these museums may still have limited hours or COVID-19 restrictions. So, please call ahead (check their website) and be prepared.


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