These Disgusting Cam Newton Comments Should Make Us Happier He’s Gone From New England
Cam Newton played one season with the Patriots
He just made comments that made women (rightfully) go wild on social media, and he lost his starting job and position on the team to a rookie quarterback (THANK YOU, Mac Jones!)
I try to keep things as positive as possible and not down-talk anyone (with the exception of some idiots on the Maine Turnpike that try to run me off the road here and there), but sometimes in life, you just need to call a spade a spade. And not only is Cam Newton a scumbag for comments he just made, but he's proven time and time again he can't lead a team to win the big one. Need proof? He just made comments that made women (rightfully) go wild on social media, and he lost his starting job and position on the team to a rookie quarterback (THANK YOU, Mac Jones!)
All that said, speaking for most of Northern New England (because I'm sure some people won't agree with his recent comments being absolutely disgusting and pathetic), we're glad you're the hell out of New England, jackhole.
Cam Newton spoke on gender roles while on a podcast
Cam recently appeared on MILLION DOLLAZ WORTH OF GAME podcast, which is part of the Barstool Sports podcast network, and dropped some controversial comments involving gender roles and how "a woman is handling your own but knowing how to cater to a man's needs."
Oh, really, Cam? How's that 1950s frame of mind working out for you? Interesting how Essence dropped a feature on you back in February about how you refused to marry your girlfriend of seven years, who you created a family with, and the relationship ended in 2020. I'm sure that had nothing to do with your views on the dynamic of a boyfriend/girlfriend, fiance/fiancee, or husband/wife.
And the most amazing thing is that's not all you said. That one sentence is bad enough, but much like your career, Cam -- you don't just dig a hole, you create a whole damn grave.
"And it’s a lot of women who are bad b----es and I say ‘b----es’ in a way not to degrade a woman but just to go off the aesthetic of what they deem as a ‘boss chick.’ A woman for me is handling your own but knowing how to cater to a man’s needs. I think a lot of times when you get that aesthetic of like ‘I’m a boss b----, I’m a this, I’m a that,’ no baby. But you can’t cook. You don’t know when to be quiet. You don’t know how to allow a man to lead."
But don't worry, readers. Cam saved face (again, note the sarcasm). Because according to an article published by Fox News, Cam mentioned he didn't want to be sitting behind the mic and criticizing women. No, not at all. Because his main point, according to him, was that he just wanted "men to start being men."
Do us all a favor, Cam. Stay the hell out of New England. And maybe catch up with the times, because we're absolutely here for strong women that identify as and feel as though they're 100% "bad b----es."