Best (And Worst) Excuses For Missing Work…Don’t Get Fired For Using Any Of These!
How many times have you wanted to call out of your job, but you couldn't think of a good excuse?
We've all been there. We didn't sleep well and are tired. We have too much to do at home. It's a beautiful day, and we'd rather go to the beach. The kids are driving us crazy and we need some "ME time." We're burnt out from the stress and long hours. Or, we just don't want to work today.
Whatever the reason, telling the boss the truth seems to be the last option... like the time I told my program director I had tickets to see U2 and wanted a night off. He denied my request and I missed out. Looking back, I regret my decision to be honest. Seeing U2 perform live has been a life-long dream, and it still hasn't come true. That might have been my one and only chance.
Listen as AJ and I talk about a list of excuses that are mostly bad karma:
Bottom line: Don't get caught in a web of tangled lies.
If you do decide to try any of these excuses, use common sense. Whatever you do, don't get fired! Even if you dislike the job, you might get a bad reference from that employer.
Let us know if you have any others to add to this list in the comment section below or on our Facebook page.
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