TD Beach 2 Beacon Is Less Than A Month Away, And They Need Your Help
It's hard to believe that it's already almost time for another TD Beach 2 Beacon 10k! The annual road race, which takes place in Cape Elizabeth, is less than one month away - Saturday, August 3rd. And here's something you might not know - The TD Beach 2 Beacon can't happen without the help of over 800 volunteers. They have many positions they're looking to fill, and they need your help!
Volunteers are needed in several areas such as the Green Team (Sustainability), Water Team, The Kids Fun Run, and many other areas.
This year, over 6,500 people will run in the TD Beach 2 Beacon, which explains why they need so many volunteers! And while many people come to Cape Elizabeth from all over the country to be a part of this great event, they still need several more people in order to ensure that the event runs smoothly.
So if you're interested, and want to learn more about volunteering for this year's TD Beach 2 Beacon, visit their site here for more information!