Amazing FREE Stuff On Craigslist
I can't believe people are actually GIVING this stuff away for FREE.
Free Yard sale CRAP. Yep, that's a real enticement right there.
I'm very tempted to "pick through" this pile of stuff to find a diamond in the rough. ALMOST tempted, but I'll pass.
This was described as an Munchkin Arm & Hammer Diaper Pail. I was intent on finding the "Munchkin Arm," but it eluded me. (Still can't figure out how you'd need a hammer for a diaper.)
Those really don't look like cushions you'd sit on. They look more like a couple of queen sized sleep pillows. I think this could use a steam cleaning also.
THIS is my favorite free thing:
It's Vegan stuffing for peppers. FREE! While it lasts. Better hurry! URP!