A Local Man Is Celebrating His Sobriety With A Bike Ride From Cape Cod To California
Not to quote anything or anyone from MTV's Jersey Shore, but this one makes the most sense ever -- "The comeback is greater than the set back" is what Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino from the MTV show is most known for lately, but according to WBZ-4/CBS Boston, a Cape Cod man is living proof of that (not that The Situation isn't, but, ya know, reality TV.)
Connor O'Reilly is in the middle of a 4,500-mile bike trek from his hometown in Falmouth, Mass, all the way to Santa Monica, California. Connor has been a cyclist for a while (both for fun AND exercise), but most recently depended on his bike a bit extra after his battle with addiction cost him his license, leaving his bike as the only mode of transportation he had, according to the news station.
Connor told CBS Boston that there's no one on this bike trip with him -- no van following him providing supplies, no friends riding with him -- he's doing this one solo. He said it was a major leap of faith to put aside his life and take on this journey, but he's doing it for a couple of reason -- to prove to himself there's no obstacle he can't overcome (a great life lesson for all of us, really), and also to raise money for a nonprofit that has helped his sobriety.
Connor is also biking to raise money for WellStrong Fitness & Wellness Center, which has a mission statement of creating sober, active communities for people recovering from addiction, the news station reported. They reached out to him on Facebook when he first posted about wanting to take on the bike trip and wondered how he somehow help others instead of making it just about himself and his love of travel.
During his ride, Connor celebrated his 5th year of sobriety, and celebrated on Facebook Live with the WellStrong community, and someone even shipped a 5-year coin out to him, according to the news station.
He told CBS Boston that stuff like that, and letters and small gifts he's received (which -- how do you receive letters and gifts when your only address is your bicycle?) has been incredible, along with receiving help from strangers along the way (a physical therapist in Texas gave him a foam roller, which definitely helps with the aches and pains of biking about 65 miles every day.)
I won't lie, I used to feel some type of way about people who battle addiction. But sometimes, when you experience it with your own eyes or through someone you're close with's eyes -- you get a different perspective. I'm SO here for Connor's ride, what he's doing it for, and the fact that not only is he celebrating his sobriety, but he's also (whether he realizes it or not) motivating others to battle and overcome their addiction. GO GET 'EM, CONNOR -- both in your ride to Santa Monica, and every day life!