10 Mile Long Maine Yard Sale Is A Bargain Hunter’s Dream
When I was a kid, I spent many weekends yard-saling with my mother. She'd pack us in the car and, following signs posted on telephone poles, we'd go from sale to sale. For her, it was always a relaxing activity where she could possibly find a great deal. If she did, it was great. If not, it was still okay.
As an adult, I now know that, for some people, yard-saling is more like a full contact sport. They see finding that amazing bargain as being a challenge.
Regardless of HOW you yard-sale, you are going to want to check out the massive yard sale that is returning to Central Maine this May!
According to the Facebook page for the event, the Cornville 10 Mile Yard Sale will return on Saturday, May 20th and Sunday, May 21st. As far as we know, just as it has for years, the event will run from 8 AM to 5 PM each of the days.
If you are an early bird, it appears that some people plan to have their spots open on Friday, May 19th.
The event typically runs along a 10-mile loop down Route 150 to Skowhegan and back up West River Road.
The event started in 1980s with just a few people participating, but grew immensely over time. Now, it doesn't just cover Cornville, but also encompasses Athens and Skowhegan.
Even if going to yard sales is not your typical idea of a fun Saturday or Sunday, it could still be a fun activity to do with the entire family. And, who knows what treasures you may end up finding!
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