It was a typical Saturday morning. I was rushing to get ready so Ellie and I could head out for the day and Ellie was standing there with her "aren't you ready yet??" face. Then she said it.

"Ellie: Mommy, why are you even putting make-up on? You always say beauty is on the inside."


She was right. I've always said that and while I do mean it, I also really appreciate the benefit of a nice coat of paint on my face. Especially to hide the circles under my eyes!

Her comment stayed with me in spite of myself, so when I heard about the No Make-up Photo shoot I immediately signed up!




Kristin Lucas is a Producer at Goldilocks Productions in Massachusetts, and she has started a a movement known as #RespectHerHustle. It's all about honoring and respecting the hard work women are doing in whatever career path they are in, wherever they are.




I'd be lying if I said I didn't experience a bit of anxiety having my photo taken without make-up. And I mean zero make-up.

At the same time, the opportunity to show my daughter that I could practice what I preach was absolutely worth it. It's really important to me that Ellie is confident and secure in who she is no matter what others might think or say.



Not only was this photo shoot a fun thing to do with her, but it also gave me the chance to show her that there are other fearless women who are working hard and owning their awesome.

And while I will still occasionally wear make-up because I think it's fun, I hope that this experience will stay with her and remind her that regardless of the clothes we wear or the body we have, we are each of us beautiful souls worthy of respect.





At the end of the day, I just hope that I can instill in her the strength and confidence to always be exactly who she is.





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