Why you need to treat your significant other like a dog. 

If you want a happy marriage, you should treat your spouse like your dog! That’s the latest theory from counselors and psychologists. One of the most common complaints they hear from unhappy spouses is, “I only wish I got as much attention as our dogs.” So, here are the three top habits from dog lovers that can improve any relationship:

    • Be happy to see each other! No matter how hard their day was, dog lovers always give their furry friends a warm hello, a belly rub (okay, you know what I mean ahem), and maybe a walk around the block. Think what it would do for your relationship if you always gave your partner a hug and a kiss, and spent as little as a half-hour together after work. It's also important to really HEAR your partner eye contact and all.


    • Don’t hold a grudge!  Most people are overly-sensitive about their partner’s bad habits and those habits tend to become even more irritating over time. But the same person who goes ballistic over a wet towel on the bed will forgive their dog for barfing on the rug. Go figure! So, put that in perspective.


  • Pet ownership really is “for better or worse.” Most owners will stick with their pet, no matter how sick or needy they are. Let's face it, divorce is an easy way out when your spouse disappoints you. But it’s rare for a person to decide they’ve had enough of a beloved family pet, and dump them. So instead of looking for a way out of your relationship, you may want to look for a way through the bad times. Just like you would hire a trainer to solve your pet’s behavior problems, you may need to hire a therapist to help you overcome your own problems.

Ofcourse there always is the possibility that he or she really IS a dog. If that's the case, I recommend making them sleep on the floor or putting them outside to the doghouse.


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