In this digital age most of us are familiar with Craigslist for selling our household items or clothing we no longer want or need. But today among the many items for sale on the popular site, you’ll find a recently closed local food truck.

Don’s Lunch Van joins the ranks of local restaurant industry businesses that are closing, and for $25,000 you could own it. Don’s has been parked in virtually the same spot on Maine Street in Westbrook for almost 40 years. Serving their famous double cheeseburgers to generations of loyal customers, Don’s has become part of the town’s local history.

A post on the business’s Facebook page sites personal reasons as the catalyst for the closure of the popular lunch spot. Almost immediately their loyal customers began commenting and posting their support and sadness over the closure. Don’s had late hours on the weekends staying open until 2 a.m. and was popular with everyone from police officers to the post-bar crowd.

According to today’s article in the Portland Press Herald, the business originally opened in 1976 by Don and Yvonne Richards, who bought a box truck from the owner of Rapid Ray’s in Saco when he upgraded his mobile burger joint to a newer vehicle. They modeled the business after Rapid Ray’s, including calling their double cheeseburger the Big One. Among the prospective owners is a man who would like to reopen it in another location in downtown Westbrook, and a restaurant owner interested in bringing it to Portland.

While Don’s new location and menu are yet to be determined, it’s certain that if the sale of the truck goes through in the next week as predicted, it will be a big hit wherever it lands.

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