Details about U.S. Secret Service canine heroes Hurricane and Jordan are being revealed. Both are Belgian Malinois with big brown eyes. They are the superstars who recently took down a White House fence jumper.

Twitter/U.S. Secret Service
Twitter/U.S. Secret Service

When Dominic Adesanya made his way over the White House fence, Hurricane & Jordan did what they were trained to do and relentlessly attacked the intruder. The two  were punched & kicked by the trespasser, but they did their job and brought him down. The U.S. Secret Service has released photos and descriptions of the two. USSS K-9 Hurricane is 6 years old and loves playing with his Kong toy.  USSS K-9 Jordan is 5 years old with tan/black coloring and enjoys his walks around the White House. Both are national treasures!

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