MJFF? Have you ever looked up at Portland's Time and Temperature building (477 Congress St.) and had NO idea what the message on the giant display sign meant? Last week it was STRV ROCKS.  Before that was SHKE SPRE, ILAP 318, ARIV ALVE, CITY CUP and 100 WMEN. All very confusing.



Now, there's a way to find out what the heck the sign means. The Law Offices of Joe Bornstein own the messaging rights to the Time and Temperature Clock. Maybe you've seen CALL JOE on the display. Joe also has a blog that will tell you what any of the messages mean.

Joe and his crew often give up this prime piece of promotional real estate to worthy non-profits. So for example, this week the message is MJFF. That's the Maine Jewish Film Festival. Way to go Joe!



The display sign at the top of the building can be seen from miles around., including Peaks Island.



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