March is Colorectal Cancer awareness month and according to the American Cancer Society, colorectal cancer is one of the five most common cancers in both men and women. Here are five myths about colorectal cancer that you should know about. 

The American Cancer Society says that there are five common myths about colorectal cancer.

1. Colorectal cancer is a man's disease.

False. Believe it or not, colorectal cancer is just as common in women as it is men.

2. Colorectal Cancer cannot be prevented.

False. In fact, this couldn't be any further from the truth. In many cases colorectal cancer can be prevented through diet and routine examinations.

3. African Americans are not at risk for colorectal cancer

False. For reasons as yet unknown, diagnosis and death from colorectal cancer is at a higher rate for both male and female African Americans than any other US racial or ethnic group.

4. Age doesn't matter when it comes to getting colorectal cancer.

False. Most people diagnosed with colorectal cancer are over the age of 50, so the American Cancer Society recommends you start getting checked regularly for colorectal cancer at age 50.

5. It's better not to get tested for colorectal cancer because it's deadly anyway.

False. Colorectal cancer is highly treatable and if found and treated early has a very high survival rate.

If you'd like to learn more about what you should do to prevent colorectal cancer, visit the American Cancer Society's website.

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