Every once in a while I come across something that makes me laugh, not just out loud, but so hard I actually get a belly ache.

I don't know whether it's because of how late at night it was, or becuase when I hear other people laugh it often makes me laugh, but either way this video slayed me.

Clint Chadbourne was headed back to Portland, Maine in his daughters car when he got stuck in his seat belt in the back seat. Luckily someone had the forethought to capture it all on video so we could all laugh along with him... or at him depending I guess.

“Mom!” he hollered at his wife, Bonnie, who stood at his side, struggling to contain her laughter.

“Look at you, look!” she said.

“You look at me,” her husband shot back. “I am stuck in this cah!”

At least he took it in stride. I mean, if you can't laugh at the absurd moments in life, what's the point right? Anyhoo, I hope it makes you laugh as much as it did me!

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